Monday, July 14, 2008

Unbridgeable Differences

Megan McArdle (a.k.a. "The Other Megan") presents as list of "issues where I [Megan] am pretty sure that I am right, but recognize that the people on the other side have valid value judgements that they are calling differently from me." My commentary on her list:

Abortion: I can appreciate that people with pecuniary or emotional investment in the economic and sexual emancipation of women might genuinely wrestle with this question. I can also understand the conflict within those who believe that abortion prevents the deterioration of our racial stock. However, in the first case, I have no such investment, and in the second case, such beliefs have no basis in present reality. So the interest in unborn children not to be killed has no competition, in my view. (And before you ask, I would think these even and especially if my daughter got knocked up.)

Gay Marriage: show me evidence that gay marriage improves things I actually care about (stronger families, lower illegitimacy, lower crime, lower taxes, etc.), and we have the basis for a conversation. But arguments based on "equality" in the abstract are essentially moral in nature, I see no reason why my morality ought to grovel before yours. In the meantime, it is not difficult to see gay marriage becoming the vehicle for the further marginalization and persecution of those Christians who will not bend to it.

Immigration: Megan reflects the values of her social milieu; she ought to know better. Can she say, "externalities"? How about "MS-13"?

Affirmative Action: it's not the best way of helping black Americans, although it may have been the best way of making Michelle Obama pretty nasty. But at least Megan appears to appreciate that the logic of affirmative action is unsustainable in an era of mass immigration.

Taxes: Megan pretty much nails this one.

Humanitarian intervention: sorry, but Darfur doesn't "rend my heart", cold-hearted bastard that I am. Black African Muslims butchering slightly-more-black African Muslims isn't any of my business. While I wish them the best, I don't have a wog in this fight.

Government subsidy of Nature and Art: Megan nails this, too. Bad in principle, awfully nice in the mean time.

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