Thursday, December 18, 2008

"Reaching Across the Ideological Divide"?

So, it appears that Rick Warren will deliver the invocation at Obama's inauguration.

This was a smart move on Obama's part. It will buy him a lot of a lot of goodwill with the Christian center-right, as indeed it should. But we center-rightists often confuse goodwill with credibility -- see, for instance, our support for Dubya. These are not the same thing, and we should keep in mind that an invocation is, policy-wise, pretty meaningless.

Playing into Obama's hands here are the Human Rights Campaign and People for the American Way. Their criticism of Obama's selection actually increases the potency of Obama's cross-ideological feint. He can count on us to say, "Wow, those guys are angry at Obama, so I guess we can go back to sleep for the next eight years knowing Obama won't do much we won't like!" Meanwhile, David Axelrod is quietly assuring the gay lobby that they will really like Obama's judicial nominees.

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