Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Who was doing What on January 6?

While reading this article about how government persecution of dissidents hasn't gone far and fast enough, I was struck by the headline picture:

I'm pretty sure I've seen this picture in the DSM a lot over the last 6 months without having paid it much attention -- candidly, the whole episode was embarrassing. But pausing to look at it, I'm having trouble figuring out what exactly is going on. Judging from their dress, it looks like the people on the right of the barricade are Team Capitol Police and the people on the left are Team Protestors. But then, it also looks appears TCP are trying to pull down the barricade while TP are trying vainly to hold it up. But maybe someone can explain the exact context.

And while you are at it, can anyone tell me if and where old episodes of Shawn McCaffrey's "The Weekly Sweat" podcasts are still online? DuckDucking has yielded nothing.

1 comment:

heresolong said...

Given that:

a) many if not most of the "rioters" walked around within the velvet ropes taking selfies and reminding each other not to damage anything and that

b) many of the Capitol Police officers held the doors open and for all intents and purposes communicated "if you'll walk this way next we'll visit the House of Representatives chamber where they conduct their business"

I think that most of this is overblown partisan hype. I have no idea what is happening in the picture so can't help you there but JHCOAPS. These people will stoop to any level to smear their opponents. Don't know if you've heard but the Democratic Secretary of State in Florida (who is running for governor) has started revoking the Concealed Pistol Permits of anyone who has been charged with anything concerning January 6th, even though the law of Florida requires that a person be convicted of a felony before revocation.